Are the Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis Methods related to Pilates?

// June 29, 2016


Pilates is an exercise method that was developed by Joseph Pilates in the 1920s. The Gyrotonic Expansion System Method was developed by Juliu Horvath in the 1970s.

Both methods utilize specialized equipment to facilitate better movement patterns. Both methods emphasize mindful movement and the incorporation of movement and breath, but the equipment, strategies and exercise principles of each method are distinct from one another.

Juliu Horvath never studied Pilates, and Pilates did not influence the system he came to develop. He does have an extensive movement background, which includes swimming, gymnastics, dance, ice skating, qigong, tai chi & yoga. His experiences with those disciplines have contributed to his perspective on movement. But his biggest influence has been the energetic awakening he experienced when he sequestered himself in St. Thomas, Virgin Islands and engaged in seven years of intensive study. The Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis Methods are primarily informed by the profound awareness Juliu acquired during that personal experience and the lessons he continues to learn through self exploration, and his experiences working with hundreds of students over many years.