News & Events

spinal cord injury

Master Trainer Dana Gringas
Finding Possibilities: Teacher Training for the GYROKINESIS® Method in a Wheelchair

Blog Content // Interviews // July 19, 2023

Dana Gingras is a renowned choreographer, filmmaker, performer and a specialized GYROKINESIS® and GYROTONIC® Master Trainer. She is the Master Trainer for Liz Winklaar, a Gyrokinesis Level 1 Trainer. We asked her to share her experience working with Liz and adapting the material for her training and practice. You can read more about Liz, here. […]

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Awareness and Imagination: The GYROKINESIS® Method from a Wheelchair

Blog Content // Interviews // Testimonial // July 19, 2023

Liz Winkelaar is a Gyrokinesis Trainer, choreographer and dancer. She earned a Master’s degree in Canadian Studies at Carleton University, leading to an interest in Disability Art and Culture and to Propeller Dance. In addition to dancing in Propeller Dance’s company, she has taught outreach workshops for Propeller, assisted with the children’s program, and pioneered […]

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Igor Abba teaching the GYROTONIC® Method to a paraplegic man with a spinal cord injury
Paraplegic Spinal Cord Injuries and the GYROTONIC® Method

Blog Content // Interviews // April 05, 2023

Igor Abbà, a GYROTONIC®  Master Trainer, recently spoke with Cina Canada, Media Coordinator for GYROTONIC® International Headquarters, to discuss his work with paraplegic clients and how he uses the Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis Methods to help them find peace with their spine. CINA: Tell me where you’re based, the name of your studio, the website address, and any kind […]

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Teaching the GYROTONIC® Method From a Wheelchair

Blog Content // Interviews // March 07, 2023

Lorenzo Spadafora is a GYROTONIC® Trainer with a spinal cord injury, practicing and teaching from a wheelchair. I first heard about him from his Master Trainer Igor Abba and was so inspired by their story that I asked to interview them both. Below is my talk with Lorenzo. Lorenzo: I’m in Pesaro in Marche region, […]

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