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Adaptation to Aging: Modifying Sequences for Mature Movements

Blog Content // February 28, 2024

Paul Thrussell is a GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS® instructor at The Carillon Miami Wellness Resort (formerly Canyon Ranch Hotel and Spa). Paul’s classes at The Carillon have been wildly popular, earning him a loyal following among the residents. Paul finds that his students are not only capable but eager to learn. To keep the sessions enjoyable […]

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Overcoming Long-Haul Covid through the GYROKINESIS® Method

Blog Content // Testimonial // June 21, 2023

In 2020 we spoke with Master Trainer Miriam Barbosa about her traumatic experience of contracting Covid-19 in the early days of the pandemic. Coupled with pre-existing medical conditions, it was a harrowing time. However, Juliu Horvath, creator of the Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis Methods, gave her a specific breathing protocol, to which she attributes much of […]

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