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Master Trainer Justine Bernard demonstrating the landmarks in the bones
Bony Landmarks: Using Bones As a Guide to Observe Movement

Education // April 19, 2024

Introduction Our sincere thanks to Dr. Justine Bernard for creating this enlightening article. Read on as Master Trainer Justine Bernard unveils the fundamental role of bones as navigational tools within the Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis Methods. Offering a glimpse into her recent Master Class: Using Bones as a Guide to Observe Movement, she delves into how […]

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Valeria with Antonia and baby
From Birth to Breath: The GYROTONIC® Method and Postpartum Recovery

Blog Content // November 11, 2023

Pregnancy and motherhood, universal experiences that transcend borders, backgrounds, and challenges, are journeys filled with transformative moments, unique to each individual. The journey is unique for every individual. In this collective exploration, we delve into the postpartum experiences of Gyrotonic trainers and practitioners to gain valuable perspectives on the role The GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS® Methods […]

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The GYROTONIC® Method and Neuroplasticity

Blog Content // November 03, 2023

Many thanks to GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS® Master Trainer Angela Crowley, who wrote this article and gave her permission for us to share.  Introduction Neuroplasticity is an exciting, quickly expanding, and respected field of science and medicine, providing vast new applications to us as somatic therapists. The GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM® is uniquely conducive to positive neuroplastic […]

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Overcoming Long-Haul Covid through the GYROKINESIS® Method

Blog Content // Testimonial // June 21, 2023

In 2020 we spoke with Master Trainer Miriam Barbosa about her traumatic experience of contracting Covid-19 in the early days of the pandemic. Coupled with pre-existing medical conditions, it was a harrowing time. However, Juliu Horvath, creator of the Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis Methods, gave her a specific breathing protocol, to which she attributes much of […]

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