GYROKINESIS® Level 1 Pre-Training Course

Ling Listen Studio/Lai Lai Physiotherapist

Oct 09, 2024 - Oct 14, 2024


  • 行政費用:台幣$8000(課前報名時匯款繳交)(不含餐費)
  • 課程費用:美金$1050或前一日告知台幣費用(課程第一天繳交現金或前一日匯款)
    • Step1:請先匯款行政費用至    戶名:聆靜工作室               銀行代碼:國泰世華013               帳號:139030002529
    • Step2:填寫表單
    • Step3:加入官方LINE告知已報名課程名稱

If you have any question, please e-mail to


Studio Address

3F., No. 33, Ziqiang 3rd Rd.,
Zhubei City
Hsinchu County, 302

Get Directions
“The ultimate aim is to be at home in one’s body, to be at one with the nature of oneself, and to experience exercise as a creative and delightful experience.”
– Juliu Horvath